The PETREL 3 gives divers our most connected experience. A stunning, easy-to-read, 2.6” AMOLED display is protected by a toughened glass lens, titanium bezel, and piezo touch buttons. Air integration is standard with up to four Shearwater transmitters to customize a solution from open circuit to rebreather and bailout gas pressure monitoring.
Safety is increased with a strong vibration alert system, and a user-changeable AA battery offers long dive times and ease of replacement.
This model is a Petrel 3 Monitor for 4-pin (analog) CCRs. The External Monitoring Mode provides real time PPO2 monitoring of 1 – 3 O2 sensors.
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The Petrel 3 supports up to 4 transmitters.
Yes. The Petrel 3 works with Legacy Transmitters.
The Petrel 3 does not have recreational modes for DiveCan monitors, but it does for all other models.
The Petrel 3 comes with a strong customizable vibration alert system. This is more effective than sound which can be difficult to hear when diving with a hood, or ascertain which computer is sounding an audible alarm when diving in a small group.
The standard decompression model is Bühlmann ZHL-16C with Gradient Factors. Also, the VPM-B decompression model and DCIEM is available by purchasing an unlock code. More information can be found in the Petrel 3 manual. Recommended reading is “Clearing up the Confusion About Deep Stops” – Eric C. Baker, P.E.